TracNav menu
IDS-ADI Projects:
- ISO 15926 Primer
- ISO15926 Standard Structure
- IDS-ADI Coordination Structure
- IDS-ADI Infrastructure
- The AVALON Project
- Core Modelers Projects
- Core Implementers Projects
- Core Compliance Project
- Core Methodology Project
- IDS-ADI Matrix Master (login)
- IDS-ADI Matrix 1,2,3 activity
- IDS-ADI Matrix 4 activity
- IDS-ADI Matrix 8 activity
- IDS-ADI Part3 Harmonization
- IDS-ADI BIDG (aka Handover Guide)
- IDS-ADI Proteus Project
Intelligent Data Sets Accelerating Deployment of ISO15926
Realizing Open Information Interoperability
IDS-ADI Core Implementation Projects
The main intiative of the core implementor's camp is the RDS/WIP Project, which is pivotal to the two other initiatives Q(T)XF and the Matrix 8 project.
To Do
Bring Q(T)XF into the fold (ie. create a Trac page if we think it has legs/wings) or simply make it part of the Matrix 8 project (since its non-normative).