Version 3 (modified by darijuss, 8 years ago)


PCA Modelling, Methods and Technology, October 27th 2016

Time and place

27.10.2016, 3.00PM - 3.15PM (CET)
GoToMeeting (how to connect - need login)
Next meeting: November 24th 2016, 3.00-4.00PM CEST


Darius Kanga, Keith Willshaw, Lillian Hella, Magne Valen-Sendstad, Franz Schulze, Darijus Strasunskas (MoM)


1. Approval of the minutes
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Review of batch 7 and voting status
4. Template usage, possibility of reasoning and validation of the data
5. Publication of the approved templates
6. Agenda for the next meeting
7. Review of the actions
8. A.O.B.

Minutes of Meeting

1. Approval of the minutes

2. Approval of the agenda

3. Review of batch 7 and voting status
Ongoing dialog between Hans and Franz. Keith awaiting for correction of forms (Action item 16.02). None votes has been casted for Batch 7 yet.
Deadline for Batch 7 voting: November 21st

4. Template usage, possibility of reasoning and validation of the data
Short briefing by Magne (Magnes email will be distributed): For reasoning purposes Part 12 DL formalism needs to be applied on RDL (computer readable and reasoning enabled). Orthogonal attributes need to be dealt by user.

5. Publication of the approved templates
Endpoint is not yet ready. Resources needs to prioritized.
Procedure is published on the MMT SIG main page.

6. Agenda for the next meeting

1. Approval of the minutes [[BR]]  
2. Approval of the agenda [[BR]]  
3. Review of batch 7 and voting status [[BR]]  
4. Template usage, possibility of reasoning and validation of the data [[br]]
5. Publication of the approved templates [[BR]]    
6. Agenda for the next meeting [[BR]] 
7. Review of the actions[[BR]]
8. A.O.B. [[BR]]

7. Review of the actions
Action 15.19 LH/DS: Practicalities (incl. procedure of maintenance) of namespace for (approved) templates.
Draft of the procedure is prepared and disseminated. To be updated according to the received comments.
Discussed during the meeting under item 4.
Action will be closed after an endpoint for template signature publication will be operative.

Action 16.02 OP -- forms for the four coordinate templates are still missing

Action 16.03 -- In agenda as normal discussion item.

8. A.O.B.
Lillian Hella will be stepping inn as MMT SIG Chair.

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