Version 6 (modified by darijuss, 8 years ago)


PCA Modelling, Methods and Technology, May 26th 2016

Time and place

26.05.2016, 3.00PM - 4.00PM (CET)
GoToMeeting (how to connect - need login)
Next meeting: June 23rd 2016, 3.00-4.00PM CEST


Darius Kanga, Darijus Strasunskas (MoM)


1. Approval of the minutes
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Review of batch 6
4. Publication of the approved templates (follow up discussion)
5. A.O.B.
6. Agenda and date for the next meeting
7. Review of the actions

Minutes of Meeting

1. Approval of the minutes Approved 2. Approval of the agenda Approved. Since only two participants, the meeting was informal. Discussing item 4 and action 15.23.

3. Review of batch 6 Not discussed. Hans is asked to reply to comments.

4. Publication of the approved templates
Proposed to record these data about templates:

  • label (title) - mandatory
  • definition - mandatory
  • description (notes, purpose)
  • example
  • alternative label
  • status (draft, valid (released), under revision, deprecated) - mandatory
  • date of approval
  • date of revision
  • change note
  • author (person)
  • approving organization
  • submitting organization
  • naming in other languages

5. A.O.B. none.

6. Agenda and date for the next meeting

1. Approval of the minutes
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Review of batch 6
4. Publication of the approved templates
5. A.O.B.
6. Agenda and date for the next meeting
7. Review of the actions


Open actions from earlier meetings

Action 15.19 LH/DS: Practicalities (incl. procedure of maintenance) of namespace for (approved) templates.
Draft of the procedure is prepared and disseminated. To be updated according to the received comments.
Discussed during the meeting under item 5.
Action 15.23 DS: Update the official list ( of approved templates on
Postponed until approval of Batch 5. Consider grouping templates in the list as well add approval date.

Action 16.01 DS: Answer Onno question, see under AOB in MoM for 28th of April.

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