PCA Modelling, Methods and Technology, April 25th 2013

Time and place

25.04.2013, 2.30PM - 3.30PM (CEST)
GoToMeeting (how to connect - need login)
Next meeting: May 23rd 2013, 2.30-3.30PM CEST


Darius Kanga, Geiza Hamazaki, Keith Willshaw, Hilbert Pretorius, Victor Agroskin, Onno Paap, Robin Benjamins and Lillian Hella (MoM)


  1. Approval of agenda
  2. Approval of MoM from last meeting
  3. Sandbox for IIP template set moved
  4. JORD ID spec examples http://15926.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=155
  5. Identification of templates http://15926.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=156
  6. Updates from forum/preparation for namespace discussion
  7. Semantic Days in May - reschedule next meeting?
  8. A.O.B.

Minutes of Meeting

1. Approval of agenda

2. Approval of MoM from last meeting

3. Sandbox for IIP template set moved
http://posccaesar.org/sandbox/iip/ (for humans)
http://posccaesar.org/sandbox/iip/sparql (for machines)

4. JORD ID spec examples http://15926.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=155

See forum for examples for PCA RDL classes.

5. Identification of templates http://15926.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=156
See forum for classification template example.

IIP will implement the ID spec to their template set. Approach: add predicate defaultRdsId to all templates and roles as in Victor´s example - at the end of the predicate use Rnnnnnn where it already exists, add R-UUID where value is null. This new set can then be uploaded to triple store(s) and made available through an endpoint.

It does not seem to be an issue that roles as in the example, e.g. hasClassified, is given a defaultRdsId, and then used in other templates. These generic object properties are redeclared in the template itself.

6. Updates from forum/preparation for namespace discussion
Namespace for Part 4 - some issues identified:

  • possible to have sameAs relations in RDLs
  • should we issue Part 4 in a new namespace?
  • purl server usable?
  • redirects to some database using sameAs relations?
  • it would be advantageous to be technically independent of ISO
  • would it be possible to have some sort of arrangement between PCA and ISO for management?
  • we do not know of any business using these URIs. It might be best to wait until there is a real business requirement

Lillian will talk to Nils and David Leal to find out more about the possibilities and plans for change.

7. Semantic Days in May - reschedule next meeting
Next meeting rescheduled to May 23.

8. A.O.B
HEED will propose plan for work on change management and make it available for a broader group, including MMT and JORD. There is a need for revision and review. MMT will be kept informed.

Action Items

Action 13.10 Ask Nils and David - Part 4 namespace, possible ISO/PCA agreement (Lillian)
Action 13.11 Start new topic in forum - Part 4 redirection (Onno)
Action 13.12 Spelling mistake in JORD ID spec? - predicate page 10 b) (Lillian)
Action 13.13 Change meeting invite (Lillian)

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