Version 1 (modified by darijuss, 8 years ago)


PCA Modelling, Methods and Technology, February 25th 2016

Time and place

25.02.2016, 3.00PM - 4.00PM (CET)
GoToMeeting (how to connect - need login)
Next meeting: March 17th 2016, 3.00-4.00PM CET



1. Approval of the minutes
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Review voting results on batch 5
4. Review of batch 6
5. Publication of the approved templates (follow up discussion)
6. A.O.B.
7. Agenda and date for the next meeting

Minutes of Meeting

1. Approval of the minutes

2. Approval of the agenda

3. Review voting results on batch 5

4. Review of batch 6

5. Publication of the approved templates

6. A.O.B.

7. Agenda and date for the next meeting


Closed actions

Open actions from earlier meetings
Action 15.19 LH/DS: Practicalities (incl. procedure of maintenance) of namespace for (approved) templates.
Draft of the procedure is prepared and disseminated. To be updated according to the received comments.
Discussed during the meeting under item 5.
Action 15.23 DS: Update the official list ( of approved templates on
Posponed until approval of Batch 5.


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