PCA Modelling, Methods and Technology, October 24th 2013

Time and place

24.10.2013, 2.30PM - 3.30PM (CEST)
GoToMeeting (how to connect - need login)
Next meeting: November 28th 2013, 2.30-3.30PM CET


Darius Kanga, Devesh Sachar, Keith Willshaw, Onno Paap, Geiza Hamazaki, Kari Anne Haaland Thorsen, Hans Teijgeler, Victor Agroskin, Gabriel Lopes and Lillian Hella (MoM)


  1. Approval of agenda
  2. Approval of MoM from last meeting
  3. Creating proposal
  4. How to organize hearing?
    1. Send email? Upload on webpage? Who should be notified?
    2. How to collect feedback using ISO comment form?
  5. Discussing the goal of the review process
    1. Who will use the templates?
    2. How will they become available?
    3. Ownership and licensing
  6. A.O.B.

Minutes of Meeting

1. Approval of agenda

2. Approval of MoM from last meeting

3. Creating proposal
The proposal should have a technical specification and definitions in the supporting documentation. Information for the first proposal can be found in the 15926.org forum, but needs to have references to relevant material so that people that have not been active in the MMT meetings will know what to review. A thread about the owl representation will be published in the 15926.org forum that summarizes the result of discussion on email.

4. How to organize hearing
The hearing will be public to reach as many as possible. A notification will be made available on the MMT web pages and on the 15926.org forum to those that are classified as modellers. A notification will also be sent to everyone that is on the MMT list. Lillian will inform the TAB about the review. The first proposal (ref the four chosen templates from the September meeting) will be made available as a new topic in the 15926.org forum with references to the relevant information for the review. We will have a 14 days review period to collect comments. We will use the simplified ISO form to select comments. The comments should be entered into a comment form on the web. The 15926.org forum has voting possibilities, but this will be not used until later in the process.

5. Discussing the goal of the review process
The users are mainly projects, e.g. DEXPI, that will use and not build their own new templates. Approved templates should have a permanent namespace. Namespaces will be discussed at the next TAB meeting and we hope to have a resolution soon. Endpoint address is not a permanent decision, but it would be advantageous that it does not change. Lillian will investigate how PCA will handle SIG approved content.

6. A.O.B
No items proposed.

Action Items

Action 13.15 Post new topic in forum for OWL representation (Onno)
Action 13.16 Post template proposal for review in 15926.org forum (Hans)
Action 13.17 Make proposal available for public (Lillian)
Action 13.18 Template content in PCA (Lillian)

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