PCA Modelling, Methods and Technology, April 4th 2013

Time and place

04.04.2013, 2.30PM - 3.30PM (CEST)
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Next meeting: April 25th 2013, 2.30-3.30PM CEST


Darius Kanga, Geiza Hamazaki, Keith Willshaw, Markus Stumptner, Mikhail Fedorov, Onno Paap, Steven Wilkie, Victor Agroskin, Kari Anne Haaland Thorsen and Lillian Hella (MoM)


  1. Approval of agenda
  2. Approval of MoM from last meeting
  3. Part 4 future plans
  4. Sandboxes for 15926.org-templates and IIP templates
  5. Namespaces cont.
  6. MMT session at PCA/MIMOSA Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings in San Antonio
  7. Items in PCA RDL not assigned with valid R# and the JORD ID spec
  8. A.O.B.

Minutes of Meeting

1. Approval of agenda

2. Approval of MoM from last meeting

3. Part 4 future plans
Updates to Part 4 are planned, and if anything progress you will be notified. There are several operators that have shown interest. The approach depends on funding and interest. A proposed update process is planned to be presented at the next ISO meeting in Paris in the beginning of June. The PCA RLD will be considered as the master. There are different updates that should be made (e.g. errors, updates, missing), and extensions based on project data should also be considered.

4. Sandboxes for 15926.org-templates and IIP templates
The template sets have been separated and put in separate endpoints.

Work is being done on providing a proposal for addition of IDs to the template set from 15926.org so that it can be implemented and used. Feedback is still welcome.

5. Namespaces cont.
If there will be changes to existing namespaces, it is better to address them sooner than later. To move forward Onno will prepare discussion on namespaces and eventually a Poll in the Forum. Important issues that need to be agreed on are: namespace in ISO namespace, change of namespace, namespace alternatives.

6. MMT session at PCA/MIMOSA Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings in San Antonio
A MMT session was part of the PCA/MIMOSA Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings as a pre session to the Fiatech Conference in San Antonio. Presentations were also made by the Geometry SIG and Operation & Maintenance SIG. Presentations from the sessions in San Antonio will be published soon on the PCA web. (available here

7. Items in PCA RDL not assigned with valid R# and the JORD ID spec
How existing R# will be handled is described in the ID spec available at https://www.posccaesar.org/raw-attachment/wiki/FiatechJord/JORD-RDS-ID-Spec-v4.doc The spec does not contain examples. Lillian will post a new topic in the forum to include examples based on a previously received mail from Victor. Lillian will also check spelling in alternative 3 in the actual spec and the inclusion of – after the R before the UUID.

8. A.O.B
No items.

Action Items

Action 13.08 ID Spec examples as new topic in Forum + spelling in ID Spec (Lillian)
Action 13.09 Prepare for discussion about namespace alternatives and namespace poll (Onno)

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