=== Base Template !TimeRepresentation === [[br]]This is a template for stating the coordinates of points in time. [[br]] [[br]]!PointInTime(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) means that a is a representation of a point in time, b, c, d, e, and f are integer numbers, and g a real number, and that the coordinates of a are given by b representing the year, c the month, d the day, e the hour, f the minute, and g the second of a. [[br]] [[br]]Roles: [[br]]1 hasTime !RepresentationOfGregorianDateAndUtcTime [[br]]2 valYear INTEGER [[br]]3 valMonth INTEGER [[br]]4 valDay INTEGER [[br]]5 valHour INTEGER [[br]]6 valMinute INTEGER [[br]]7 valSecond REAL Axiom: {{{ TimeRepresentation(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) <-> RepresentationOfGregorianDateAndUtcTime(x1) & INTEGER(x2) & INTEGER(x3) & INTEGER(x4) & INTEGER(x5) & INTEGER(x6) & REAL(x7) & hasYear(x1, x2) & hasMonth(x1, x3) & hasDay(x1, x4) & hasHour(x1, x5) & hasMinute(x1, x6) & hasSecond(x1, x7) . }}} NOTE This template provides a pattern for defining points in time. While the entity type !RepresentationOfGregorianDateAndUtcTime has all attributes except hasYear optional, none are optional in the template.