=== Base Template !PropertyRangeMagnitudeRestrictionOfClass === [[br]]!PropertyRangeMagnitudeRestrictionOfClass is a template for stating which range of values of a property can apply to a class of individuals. [[br]]!PropertyRangeMagnitudeRestrictionOfClass(a, b, c, d, e) means that a is a class of individuals, b is a property relation, c is a scale, and d and e are real numbers, and that every b property of an a has a value in the d to e range, measured on the c scale. [[br]] [[br]]Roles: [[br]]1 hasClass !ClassOfIndividual [[br]]2 hasRestrictedProperty !ClassOfIndirectProperty [[br]]3 hasScale Scale [[br]]4 valUpperBound !ExpressReal [[br]]5 valLowerBound !ExpressReal Axiom: {{{ PropertyRangeMagnitudeRestrictionOfClass(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) <-> ClassOfIndividual(x1)& ClassOfIndirectProperty(x2)& Scale(x3)& ExpressReal(x4)& ExpressReal(x5)& exists u(PropertyRangeRestrictionOfClass(x1, x2, u)& exists y1 exists y2(IdentificationByNumber(x4, y1)& IdentificationByNumber(x5, y2)& LowerUpperMagnitudeOfPropertyRange(u, x3, y1, y2))) . }}}