Base Template LowerUpperMagnitudeOfPropertyRange

LowerUpperMagnitudeOfPropertyRange is a template for expressing the extent of a property range, in terms of maximum and minimum values on a scale.

LowerUpperMagnitudeOfPropertyRange(a, b, c, d) means that a is a property range, b is a scale, and c and d are numbers, and that a has c and d as, respectively, lower and upper bounds, as measured on the scale b.

1 hasPropertyRange PropertyRange
2 hasScale Scale
3 hasLowerBound ArithmeticNumber
4 hasUpperBound ArithmeticNumber


LowerUpperMagnitudeOfPropertyRange(x1, x2, x3, x4) <-> 
PropertyRange(x1) & 
Scale(x2) & 
ArithmeticNumber(x3) & 
ArithmeticNumber(x4) & 
exists y1, y2(LowerUpperOfPropertyRange(x1, y1, y2) & 
MagnitudeOfProperty(y1, x3, x2) & 
MagnitudeOfProperty(y2, x4, x2)) . 
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