=== Base Template !IndirectPropertyScaleReal === [[br]]This template is for assigning a typed indirect property to an individual, with magnitude given as a real number and a scale. [[br]] [[br]]!IndirectPropertyScaleReal(a, b, c, d) means that a is is a !ClassOfIndirectProperty, b a (temporal part of) !PossibleIndividual to which the relation applies, c is a floating point number with the property value and d the Scale as unit of measurement. b has a a type of !ClassOfIndirectProperty, which has c value and d unit of measurement. [[br]] [[br]]Roles: [[br]]1 hasPropertyType !ClassOfIndirectProperty [[br]]2 hasPropertyPossessor !PossibleIndividual [[br]]3 valPropertyValue !ExpressReal [[br]]4 hasPropertyScale Scale Axiom: {{{ IndirectPropertyScaleReal(x1, x2, x3, x4) <-> ClassOfIndirectProperty(x1) & PossibleIndividual(x2) & ExpressReal(x3) & Scale(x4) & exists u(InstanceOfIndirectProperty(x1, x2, u) & RealMagnitudeOfProperty(u, x3, x4)) . }}}