Version 23 (modified by mfedorov, 13 years ago)


Template DirectPropertyRestrictionOfIndividual

This template is for assigning a property to an Individual for a Property that is not an IndirectProperty and also restricting the assigned property to a member of a specific set of properties.

DirectPropertyRestrictionOfIndividual(a, b, c) means that a is an EnumeratedPropertySet, b is a (temporal part of) PossibleIndividual to which the relation applies and c is a Property assigned and a member of a where c is supposed to be an existing class in RDL.

1 hasPropertySet EnumeratedPropertySet
2 hasPropertyPossessor PossibleIndividual
3 hasProperty Property


DirectPropertyRestrictionOfIndividual(x1, x2, x3) <-> 
EnumeratedPropertySet(x1) & 
PossibleIndividual(x2) & 
Property(x3) & 
ClassificationTemplate(x2, x3) &
ClassificationTemplate(x3, x1).

EXAMPLE The statement DirectPropertyRestrictionOfIndividual (ABC SET OF NOMINAL DIAMETERS, ELBOW12345, 100MM)

Analysis diagram

NOTE: The assigned property and property space used in a template instance must already exist in the RDL including all the required relationships to describe them (property_quantification, scale etc). It is not in scope of the template.


From Victor Agroskin: The "scale" has class_of_functional_mapping.domain defined as property_space. In "class_of_property" definition we have SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF(property_space, enumerated_property_set). Is it possible to have an instance of enumerated_property_set as subclass of an instance of property_space and as domain of scale then?
From Mikhail Fedorov: First of all... LENGTH is single_property_dimension. Ok, then let's look into Part 2: "A single_property_dimension is a property_space that is a single and complete continuum of properties each of which maps to a single number." "A property_space is a class_of_property whose members are a coherent continuum of property." "An enumerated_property_set is a class_of_property and an enumerated_set_of_class whose members are an enumerated set of properties of the same single_property_dimension or multidimensional_property_space." So taking that into account - why an instance of enumerated_property_set cannot be a specialization of an instance of property_space? Since members of this enumerated_property_set should be also members of the single_property_dimension DIAMETER...
After discussing with Viktor Agroskin: a property that is assigned should be a member of BOTH EnumeratedPropertySet and according PropertySpace. But EnumeratedPropertySet cannot be a specoalization of that PropertySet. I've made according changes to the diagram.


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