Version 1 (modified by onnopaap, 14 years ago)


Base Template ClassificationOfClass

This is a template for classifying classes.

ClassificationOfClass(a, b) means that a is a class, that b is a class of classes, and that a is
a member of b.

1 hasClass Class
2 hasClassClassifier ClassOfClass


ClassificationOfClass(x1, x2) <-> 
Class(x1) & 
ClassOfClass(x2) & 
ClassificationTemplate(x1, x2) .   

EXAMPLE Typical uses of this template is in classification of classes that are used by particular entities or which are defined in domain standards. No restriction on the order of the classes is imposed. As an example of classification of a second-order class by a third-order class, consider “the types of drill string belong to the drilling domain”. This could be expressed by ClassificationOfClass(Drilling Domain Class, Drill String Type)

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