Base Template ClassInvolvementStatusBeginning

This template specializes template InvolvementStatusBeginning by restricting the thing involved in an activity to be a class.

ClassInvolvementStatusBeginning(a, b, c, d, e, f) means that a is a class and b is an activity and c is a type of involvement, d is an approval status and e is the approver and f is a point in time. a is involved in activity b and c is the type of involvement, the activity is approved, d is type of status of the approval and e is the approver, f is the start time of the activity.

1 hasInvolvedClass Class
2 hasInvolverActivity Activity
3 hasInvolvementType ClassOfInvolvementByReference
4 hasStatus ClassOfApprovalByStatus
5 hasApprover PossibleIndividual
6 hasStartTime RepresentationOfGregorianDateAndUtcTime


ClassInvolvementStatusBeginning(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) <-> 
Class(x1) & 
Activity(x2) & 
ClassOfInvolvementByReference(x3) & 
ClassOfApprovalByStatus(x4) & 
PossibleIndividual(x5) & 
RepresentationOfGregorianDateAndUtcTime(x6) & 
InvolvementStatusBeginning(x1, u, x3, x4, x5, x6) . 
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