=== Base Template !BeginningOfTemporalPart === [[br]]This template is for stating that an individual is a temporal part of another, initiated at a time represented by a timestamp data value. [[br]] [[br]]!BeginningOfTemporalPart(a, b, c) means that a is an individual and b is an individual and c is a point in time, that a is a temporal part of b, and that a begins to exist at c. [[br]] [[br]]Roles: [[br]]1 hasPart !PossibleIndividual [[br]]2 hasWhole !PossibleIndividual [[br]]3 hasStartTime !RepresentationOfGregorianDateAndUtcTime Axiom: {{{ BeginningOfTemporalPart(x1, x2, x3) <-> PossibleIndividual(x1) & PossibleIndividual(x2) & RepresentationOfGregorianDateAndUtcTime(x3) & TemporalWholePartTemplate(x1, x2) & BeginningOfIndividual(x1, x3) . }}}