FIATECH PCA Instrument and Control, November 3rd 2015

Time and place

03.11.2015, 3.00PM - 4.00PM (CET)
GoToMeeting (how to connect - need login)
Next meeting: November 17th 2015, 3.00-4.00PM CET


Franz Schulze, Hindrik Koning, Keith Willshaw, Nils Sandsmark (Chair), Heiner Temmen, Bjørn Berli, Darijus Strasunskas (MoM)


1. Short report from STI Project (Bjørn Berli)
2. Short report from ISO TC 184/SC4 meeting in Baltimore (Nils Sandsmark)
3. Proposal from Hans on major classes for instruments
4. Coordination of Reference Data development, maintenance and enhancement for Instruments
5. Agenda for the next meeting
6. A.O.B.

Minutes of Meeting

0. Agenda augmented. Minutes from the last meeting approved.

1. STI goes for supply technical information (from supplier, to project and operations). Time was invested to anchoring ownership in this autumn. Operators onboard, addressing suppliers. The project will start with instrumentation at the end of this year, or beginning next year. Working on a structured method for disciplines to follow. Important to avoid duplication of the work, see action 15.02.

2. ISO Meeting in Baltimore. Investigate requirements and support for Part 3 edition 2. AP221 will be withdrawn, due to absence of maintainance efforts. People developing AP242 need schematics, they would like to work together. Part 4 review started 15th of October, finishes 16th of March, 2016. Part 6e2, Part 12 and 13 are out for CD ballot comments. Deadline is 16th of December, 2015. Anyone interested in looking at those, Contact Nils or the national standard bodies. Productive Meetings With AP239 (defense and aerospace) and AP242 (aerospace and automotive). An architecture for common reference data has been presented.
CR0001 review by a MT Web Meeting shall happen in November and will be proceeded for VT ballot. Proposal for CR0006 (Part 6) was presented in Baltimore. The main thing there is implementation of Part 6 that was not available at the time of Part 4 was created.
See attachment at the bottom of this page.

3. Proposal for top classes of instruments. Spreadsheet by Hans and Hindrik. DEXPI use major classes for their P&ID approach. DEXPI is using a slightly different terminology, might need to adjust it. For instance, Detecting element vs. Detector (though there is Detecting element in PCA RDL: Connection to IEC 62424.
Need for a solution!

4. Coordination of Reference Data development, maintenance and enhancement for Instruments
Not enough time. Postponed for the next meeting. See action item 15.03.

5. Agenda for the next meeting
1. Approval of agenda.
2. Approval of MoM.
3. Status of STI.
4. Status of DEXPI.
5. Proposal for top classes of instruments.
6. Coordination of Reference Data development, maintenance and enhancement
7. Agenda for the next Meeting.
8. A.O.B.

6. A.O.B.

Action items

15.01. Collect actions from the earlier Meetings (MoM by Ray Topping).
15.02. Bjørn and Hindrik discuss how to reuse what is done. A Meeting between Hindrik and Bjørn. PCA Calls in for a meeting next Wednesday afternoon. The meeting is open for the whole SIG if anyone wants to participate.
15.03. PCA makes a draft for the next discussion and distributes few days before the next Meeting.


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