'''Testing dynamic fetching of reference data:''' [[MacroChain(Xslt(SandBox:dotTest.xslt, SandBox:miniRDL.xml))]] [[Xslt(SandBox:dotTest.xslt, SandBox:miniRDL.xml)]] [[Xslt(SandBox:dotTest.xslt, http://rds.posccaesar.org/2008/05/XML/RDL/RDS327239)]] [[BR]]but thanks to [http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/TracWysiwygPlugin TracWysiwygPlugin] we can enter '''bold''' and ''italics'' using shortcut keys, which is ok. {{{ #!graphviz.neato digraph G { overlap=false; node [fontname=Arial, fontsize=8, color=grey80, fillcolor=grey95, fontcolor=red3, style=filled, width=.5]; edge [arrowhead="none", color=grey50 ]; a[label="PCA", fillcolor=grey90, fontcolor=black] RDS [label="Reference\nData\nServices", URL="", tooltip="RDS"]; Projects [label="Projects", URL="", tooltip="PCA Projects"]; SIG [label="Special\nInterest\nGroups", URL="", tooltip="SIG"]; a -> RDS ; a -> Projects ; a -> SIG; } }}} = Map = {{{ #!graphviz.neato digraph G { overlap=false; node [fontname=Arial, fontsize=8, color=grey80, fillcolor=grey95, fontcolor=red3, style=filled]; edge [arrowhead="none", color=grey50 ]; PCA -> "Members Area"; "Members Area" -> Documents; "Members Area" -> News_; PCA -> RDS ; RDS -> "Browser"; RDS -> "Editor"; RDS -> "Procedure"; PCA -> Projects ; Projects -> IOHN; Projects -> IDS; Projects -> ADI; Projects -> Depuis; Projects -> IIP; PCA -> SIG; SIG -> DM ; SIG -> DC ; SIG -> HSSE; SIG -> MMT; SIG -> OM ; SIG -> PL ; SIG -> RP ; SIG -> SE ; PCA -> Standards; Standards -> "ISO 15926"; Standards -> PLCS; Standards -> MPR; } }}} = Main = {{{ #!html
}}} == News == {{{ #!html }}} == Reference Data Services == == Projects == == Standards == {{{ #!html