Version 12 (modified by margs, 16 years ago)


Testing dynamic fetching of reference data:

Error: Macro MacroChain(Xslt(SandBox:dotTest.xslt, SandBox:miniRDL.xml)) failed
'Environment' object has no attribute 'env'

digraph G { rankdir="BT"; overlap="false"; node [fontname=Arial, fontsize=11]; RDS398732751 [shape="box", color="#00CC00", label="ISO-IS 15926-2 THING"]; T1 [shape="box", color="#00CC00", label="LIST"]; T2 [shape="box", color="#00CC00", label="EMPTYLIST"]; T3 [shape="box", color="#00CC00", label="NEXT LIST ELEMENT RELATION"]; T4 [shape="box", color="#00CC00", label="LIST CONTENT RELATION"]; T5 [shape="box", color="#00CC00", label="DATASHEET A"]; T6 [shape="box", color="#00CC00", label="PUMP CLASS"]; RDS353339 [shape="box", color="#00CC00", label="MASS"]; RDS999900710 [shape="box", color="#00CC00", label="R1 Number space"]; T7 [shape="box", color="#00CC00", label="GOOD PUMP"]; T8 [shape="box", color="#00CC00", label="contextA IDENTIFICATION CLASS"]; T9 [shape="box", color="#00CC00", label="NAME: NicePump"]; T10 [shape="box", color="#00CC00", label="NAME: Weight"]; T11 [shape="box", color="#00CC00", label="NAME: PumpType"]; R1 [shape="diamond", color="#00CCFF", fixedsize=true, width=2, height=0.7, label="NEXT LIST ELEMENT"]; T1 -> R1 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; R1 -> T1 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; R2 [shape="diamond", color="#00CCFF", fixedsize=true, width=2, height=0.7, label="LIST CONTENT"]; T1 -> R2 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; R2 -> RDS398732751 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; R1 -> T3 [arrowhead="none", arrowtail="normal"]; R2 -> T4 [arrowhead="none", arrowtail="normal"]; T2 -> T1 [arrowhead="none", arrowtail="normal"]; R6 [shape="diamond", color="#00CCFF", fixedsize=true, width=2, height=0.7, label="hasSubject"]; T5 -> R6 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; R6 -> T6 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; R7 [shape="diamond", color="#00CCFF", fixedsize=true, width=2, height=0.7, label="hasMass"]; T6 -> R7 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; R7 -> RDS353339 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; RDS1328669 [shape="diamond", color="#00CCFF", fixedsize=true, width=2, height=0.7, label="KILOGRAM"]; RDS999900710 -> RDS1328669 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; RDS1328669 -> RDS353339 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; T7 -> T6 [arrowhead="none", arrowtail="normal"]; R9 [shape="diamond", color="#00CCFF", fixedsize=true, width=2, height=0.7, label=""]; T9 -> R9 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; R9 -> T7 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; R9 -> T8 [arrowhead="none", arrowtail="normal"]; R11 [shape="diamond", color="#00CCFF", fixedsize=true, width=2, height=0.7, label=""]; T10 -> R11 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; R11 -> RDS353339 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; R11 -> T8 [arrowhead="none", arrowtail="normal"]; R13 [shape="diamond", color="#00CCFF", fixedsize=true, width=2, height=0.7, label=""]; T11 -> R13 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; R13 -> T6 [arrowhead="none", color="#00CCFF"]; R13 -> T8 [arrowhead="none", arrowtail="normal"]; }

Error: Macro Xslt(SandBox:dotTest.xslt, failed
Could not read from url "<type 'file'>": [Errno socket error] (1, 'error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version')

but thanks to TracWysiwygPlugin we can enter bold and italics using shortcut keys, which is ok.

GraphViz image




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