== Open data and Linked Open Data Session @ !SemanticDays == !08:30 - !11:30, June 9, 2011 Organized by Dumitru Roman, SINTEF, Norway[[BR]]Target audience: Researchers, engineers, and students !08:30 - !09:00 ''An Overview of Norwegian Linked Open Data'' by David Norheim and Dumitru Roman * Abstract: With Norway being one of the few countries outside of the English speaking world with a clear governmental strategy and commitment to open data, combined with one of the highest Internet penetration and mobile access in Europe, it offers interesting opportunities for becoming a great testbed for consuming Linked Open Data (LOD). With this presentation we aim at presenting potential applications consuming Norwegian LOD and showing practical benefits of aggregating open data in highly sensitive domains for governments and the general public such as regional development and environmental friendly behaviour. These applications will not only aim at demonstrating the benefits of the current Norwegian LOD, but will also make contributions to the improvement and extension of the existing data sets. !08:30 - !09:00 ''How to maintain the primary nature of public sector data: A first foray'' by Audun Stolpe, University of Oslo, Norway * Abstract: Although the World Wide Web and the new media show a bias towards getting the information to flow, the means of assessing and ensuring information integrity is increasingly recognized as a real and pressing need. Public sector information is a case in point: Whilst the political pressure for reusable public sector information is building momentum, governments as authoritative sources of information on the Web must at the same time face the challenges related to maintaining the primary nature of its data. In this talk we shall be concerned with one aspect of this problem, namely the question of what it means, if anything, to reuse data in a non-distortive manner, where distortiveness is measured in relation to the original source. More specifically, we place this problem in the context of RDF and Linked Data, where the principal means of data repurposing is the class of SPARQL queries known as construct-queries. ....