{{{ #!comment NB! Make sure that you follow the guidelines: http://trac.posccaesar.org/wiki/IdsAdiEditing }}} [[TracNav(TracNav/RdsWip)]] = RDS/WIP Identifier Generator = There has long been a need for an identifier generator in this project, and so we now have one with a [http://secure.ids-adi.org/registry?registry-op=ui user interface here]. = Features = * Allocates identifiers in a given name space (you supply the base URI ending in #). * All identifiers are stored in their name space in a single triplestore. * All identifiers have the form RNNNNNNNNNN where NNNNNNNNNN are digits and R is literal. * NNNNNNNNNN will never start with a zero. * NNNNNNNNNN will never contain a sequence NNN of three of the same digits. * NNNNNNNNNN will never contain any digit more than three times. * NNNNNNNNNN is allocated with a strong random number generator (PRNG seeded from an RNG). * While RNNNNNNNNNN is already recorded, it will go back and try another number. * There is intentionally no support for allocating "sequences" of identifiers. * There is intentionally no support for allocating "bulk" identifiers. * Uses HTTP CGI GET for operations and XML for results. = Principles = * No one can choose their identifier. * No one can inadvertently create implicit knowledge by "owning" a block of identifiers - knowledge should be explicit, reservation blocks denied. * No one can create "de facto" maps by allocating sequences that relate to other existing identifiers (again, to avoid creating implicit knowledge). * Identifiers are of the same length (at least until "slots" become too sparse to find quickly, which will likely happen when its about 80% full). * Prized numbers (like 1000000000 or 9999999999) will be never be allocated. * Supports machine interfacing. = Governance = * Any abuse of the system (ie. trying to circumvent the principles) should result in suspension of the service for the offending user and revocation of the abusing allocations. = Usage Policy for RDS/WIP = Since this was intended for the RDS/WIP, but has broader applicability (really for managing IDs of that fixed form in any namespace), then we need to come up with some policies for the RDS/WIP usage of this service: * The URI of the service - propose https://secure.ids-adi.org/registry * The protocol - propose CGI, may accomodate SOAP? * Authentication - propose using existing LDAP, option to create organization accounts for automation? * The base URIs (namespaces) - need a decision(!) = Agenda = * Need to apply authentication/authorization (very quick to do). * Do we need to broaden the concept of "prized numbers" (exclusions) to include patterns like 1234567890 or 3838385544? * Need to decide on a registry namespace & properties. * Need to decide if we record the allocater's user id and date.