Version 9 (modified by hmottestad, 10 years ago)


Simplified Maintenance Procedure

Brief into


  1. Only new reference data items
  2. Max 50 reference data items
  3. Simplified use of 15926-2


1. Only new reference data classes

A new reference data item is an RDF node set as a subject in a list of triples.

rdl:newItem	a			p2:ClassOfInanimatePhysicalObject;
  		rdl:hasDesignation	"NEW ITEM"@en^^xsd:string

With new reference data items it is forbidden to add predicates to existing subjects in the RDL and it is forbidden to use 15926-2 to add a classification or a specialization to an existing item in the RDL.

# adding a new entity type to an existing RDL item is forbidden
rdl:RDS327239		a			p2:ClassOfArrangedIndividual;

# adding a new superclass to an exisitng RDL item is forbidden
rdl:newSpecialization  	a       		p2:Specialization ;
        		p2:hasSubclass    	rdl:RDS327239 ;
        		p2:hasSuperclass  	rdl:newItem ;

# adding a new classifier to an exisitng RDL item is forbidden
rdl:newClassification  	a       		p2:Classification ;
        		p2:hasClassified    	rdl:RDS327239 ;
        		p2:hasClassifier  	rdl:newItem ;

New reference data is allowed to be in the hasSubclass position in any specialization relationship or in the hasClassified position of any classification relationship. New reference data is also allowed to be in the hasSuperclass position or the hasClassifier position when the opposing position is filled with another new reference data item.

# making a new item a subclass of an existing item is allowed and recommended
rdl:newSpecialization  	a       		p2:Specialization ;
        		p2:hasSubclass   	rdl:newItem  ;
        		p2:hasSuperclass  	rdl:RDS327239 ;

# making a new item the superclass of another new item is allowed and recommended
rdl:newSpecialization  	a       		p2:Specialization ;
        		p2:hasSubclass  	rdl:anotherNewItem  ;
        		p2:hasSuperclass  	rdl:newItem ;

2. Max 50 reference data items

An item is measured as a RDF subject that is not typed as either p2:Specialization or p2:Classification. All other RDF subjects count. The limit is 50 inclusive.

3. Simplified use of 15926-2

In order to simplify the needed verification and validation there is a limit to the allowed relationships and predicates that can be used.Allowed 15926-2 relationships: * Classification

  • Specialization

Allowed predicates: 

  • rdl:hasDesignation
  • rdl:hasDefinition
  • rdl:defaultRdsId
  • rdf:type with object being a 15926-2 entity type
  • rdfs:label

The following predicates will be set automatically: * rdl:hasCreationDate is set to now.

  • rdl:hasStatus is set to "Candidate"
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Reference Data Services