Version 111 (modified by ianglendinning, 11 years ago)


Reference Data Services

PCA provides services for Reference Data according to the ISO 15926 standard "Industrial automation systems and integration—Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities". Since the Reference Data Library (RDL) is extensible and managed, the content at any given time is often referred to as "WIP" or Work In Progress.

Access to the PCA Reference Data Library (RDL) is provided under the terms of the PCA Articles of Association, namely "Reference Data Libraries shall be open, i.e. they can be used by everyone for their own purpose, on equal terms."

Service Requests for RDS System Support and/or RDL Content Support are provided for registered users.

This page describes what those services are and how to access them.

PCA RDL (Reference Data Library) Content Access

IMPORTANT NOTE : Since 2011 the JORD Project is working to enhance the PCA RDS in partnership with FIATECH. For a general timeline of JORD project activities, see the project page. For access to RDL content via the latest RDS see below - latest first:

SPARQL Endpoints

The following SPARQL queryable triple-store endpoints are available:

JORD Endpoint V2 (Interim production status, November 2012)

**** NOTE **** The switch-over to V2 as the production supported endpoint occurred 29th November 2012. The endpoints, the linked-data pages and sandboxes are all affected. Those addressing the development server are redirected to the production instance. The production server addressing is unchanged. This should be seamless / invisible - any problems please report using a support ticket.

The human browser access & query page is

The actual SPARQL endpoint is

V2 content and query functionality is the same as V1 (as documented on the endpoint user pages). (V1 Documentation is here. As well as the PCA RDL, content includes pointers to RDS/WIP equivalent resources to maintain compatibility for iRINGTools and other users. A full list of available predicates is returned by this query.)

V2 is now commercially hosted giving PCA greater flexibility and extensibility for ongoing development and greater support responsiveness. This new capability supports sandbox hosting. For SANDBOX SERVICE REQUESTS see Sandbox Service Description and please use an RDS Support Ticket to request the service. (Note login required.)

(NOTE that the implementation documentation is available for reference. V2 uses Fuseki upgrade from Joseki to support user sandboxes with update queries and bulk upload, as well as improved memory performance.)

(NOTE this interim production endpoint continues to be enhanced to fully scalable and sustainable needs via the JORD project. Further RDS enhancements will be notified in due course.)

JORD Endpoint V1 (Retired November 2012)

The V1 functionality is no longer accessible from this PCA RDS page. The V2 functionality is accessed via the production endpoint address above.

RDS/WIP Endpoint (Retired September 2012)

The earlier "RDL Facade dot Org" RDS/WIP Endpoint is no longer supported. Existing queries and URI's are redirected to the V2 functionality above.

Error: Macro Image(wiki:Rds:PCA_RDS.gif) failed
Attachment 'wiki:Rds: PCA_RDS.gif' does not exist.

A screenshot of the ISO 15926 POSC Caesar RDS

PCA "Brutus" RDL Master Content Browser

Public access to the PCA RDL Master Database Content is available via a read-only guest log-in to the Reference Data Editor of the PCA RDL. It is a thin client requiring Java Runtime Environment 1.4 or more. The client is also available for download:

(NOTE : These browser clients run on the legacy "Brutus" database, which currently remains the PCA RDL Master. JORD Endpoints above are populated with OWL file exports from here. When upgraded tools from the JORD Project are sufficiently complete, Brutus will cease to be the master and will be retired.)

File-Downloads of PCA RDL Content

The PCA RDL Content is also available for public access and/or download in different formats:

(NOTE : These are currently generated by export from the "Brutus" master above. The intention is to continue support for these or equivalent exports once the JORD enhanced RDS becomes the master RDL.)

RDS Operations Support

Registered users of the PCA Reference Data Services are also provided with operational support. These services are explained and accessed from RDS Operations Support Home.The purpose of these services is to ensure high quality and timely handling of requests made to or about the RDS (Reference Data Services) System and RDL (Reference Data Library) Content. Support arrangements are defined according to ITIL® and the ISO 20000 Specification.

Existing Support Users should create support ticket requests directly here.
(Note separate log-in required.)

Note that:

  • Registered Users who do not also have PCA Membership (or other project membership with specific Service Levels included) will receive a reduced operational support service.
  • The PCA Operations Support Service operates the process of handling RDL Content Change Requests and clarifications in support of the RDL Maintenance Procedure, but does not operate the full content maintenance process.
  • Where such Change Requests include proposed new RDL Content please submit / attach using the Batch Upload Spreadsheet format. For explanation and a template of the spreadsheet format used to batch import reference data items, refer to the RDS Spreadsheet Batch Upload.
  • Where users require guidance on how to relate or map their business data using ISO 15926 Reference Data, please see joint PCA / FIATECH JORD Mapping Methodology (via the JORD project pages).


About PCA
Reference Data Services