==== API for Computers ==== Query the server with the query "select * where {?a ?b ?c} limit 10": http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/?query=select%20*%20where%20{?a%20?b%20?c}%20limit%2010 Set the output as xml: http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/?query=select%20*%20where%20{?a%20?b%20?c}%20limit%2010&output=xml You can choose: * output=xml * output=json * output=ttl (ttl is only for CONSTRUCT or DESCRIBE queries) ===== Machine readable linked data pages ===== Example: http://data.posccaesar.org/data/rdl/RDS327239 or by HTTP 303 by appending ?output in the HTTP query string: http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS327239?output=ttl You can choose: * output=xml * output=json * output=ttl Or you can set the accept-header to: * application/xml * application/rdf+xml * application/ttl * application/json The return data includes * ?b ?c * ?d ?e * ?d ?e ?f * ?f rdfs:label ?g Download Currently we are using Git (Stash) for managing the RDL. You can take a git clone of the repository. Browse: http://gitlab.posccaesar.org/data-posccaesar-org/rdl/tree/master Clone: http://gitlab.posccaesar.org/data-posccaesar-org/rdl.git