= Discontinuation of PCA Reference Data Editor "Brutus" = Public access to the PCA RDL Master Database Content has been available via a read-only guest log-in to the Reference Data Editor "Brutus". The application has been available as a thin client and available for download. From November 14th this editor will be discontinued and will no longer be supported. A consequence of the discontinuation of "Brutus" will be the loss of existing user interface for editing and browsing. In the future, updates and editing of the reference data library will use SPARQL. The PCA RDL has been, and will continue to be accessible through the PCA RDL Endpoint (http://posccaesar.org/endpoint/ for humans and http://posccaesar.org/endpoint/sparql for machines). All content can be queried using SPARQL. For the future, the database (triple store) for the PCA RDL Endpoint will be considered as the master. According to plan, the PCA Reference Data Editor will be taken offline for good November 14. If this conflicts with any business needs you may have, please notify PCA immediately pca@posccaesar.org.