= POSC Caesar = [wiki:PCA/About POSC Caesar Association (PCA)] is a global, nonprofit member organization that shall promote the development of open specifications to be used as standards for enabling the interoperability of data, software and related matters. PCA initiated [wiki:ISO15926 ISO 15926] “Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities" and is committed to its maintenance and enhancement. [[IncludePages(PCA/NewsLatest,removeme, latestNews)]] == Reader's guide == Go to: * [wiki:PCA/About About PCA] to read more about POSC Caesar, its members and how to become a member * [wiki:ISO15926 ISO 15926] to learn about the ISO 15926 standard * [wiki:ISO15926inOWL ISO 15926 represented in OWL] * [wiki:Rds Reference Data Services (RDS)] to access to the PCA Reference Data Library * [wiki:Sig Special Interest Groups (SIG)] to get to the PCA SIG's area * [wiki:PCA/Projects Projects] for an overview of the projects PCA is involved in * [wiki:IdsAdi IDS/ADI] * [wiki:IdsAdi IOHN] * [wiki:PCA/Internal PCA Members Area] if you are a POSC Caesar member and want access to the members area * [wiki:TracGuide Trac Guide] to learn how to make full use of the POSC Caesar website