Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of PCA/IO/OilAndGasOntology

07/17/08 14:42:26 (16 years ago)
margs (IP:



  • PCA/IO/OilAndGasOntology

    v0 v1  
     1= Oil and Gas Ontology = 
     2PCA has, through ISO TC 184/SC4, developed a methodology for  data integration across disciplines and phases and this work has been documented  in ISO 15926 “Integration of lifecycle data for process plants including oil and  gas production facilities”. The methodology is really a language consisting of a  syntax part (ISO 15926 Part 2) and a semantic part. The syntax (or grammar) part  together with domain terminology is used to develop ontologies for the different  functional domains. These ontologies constitute the bases for consistent data  integration within and across domains.The methodology of ISO 15926 has been used in several research projects  funded by Norwegian Research Council (PETROMAKS) and important stakeholders in  the Norwegian offshore industry for developing an Oil & Gas Ontology. The  Integrated Information Platform (IIP) and Intelligent Data Sets (IDS) projects -  both managed by DNV - has made significant contributions to this ontology in  drilling, development, production and operation. However, this ontology has to  be maintained, enhanced and extended to cover all the domains in the E&P  value chain. In addition, Web services (domain specific software) have been  developed based on this ontology. 
     4The Oil & Gas Ontology might be express in several technologies like  EXPRESS (ISO), SQL, XML, RDF and OWL. This makes it readily available for to  days and future IT solutions. 
     8'''Why an Oil & Gas Ontology?''' 
     10The offshore industry has huge economic investments in data acquisitions,  analysis, visualization, documentation and archiving. Some of the data are in  use for decades and for most businesses it is the one of the main assets.  Organizational units and IT systems last rarely more than few years. The most  stable element in this environment is the terminologies used in the business  domains along the value chain. 
     12 * Using the methodology of ISO 15926 it is possible to create ontologies from  the terminologies in use in the offshore industry to: 
     13 * Do data integration within and across business domains 
     14 * Create an architecture for web services 
     15 * Include reasoning as a part of the ontology for creation of autonomous  solutions 
     16 * Include uncertainty as a part of the ontology to cope with risks 
     17 * Be able to store data over time 
     18 * To use the ontology as a reference ontology (meta data set) to be used  in-house and between companies 
     19 * To use the ontology in engineering 
     21[ Use Case: Ontology-Driven Information Integration and Delivery - A Survey of Semantic Web Technology in the Oil and Gas Industry] 
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