Version 3 (modified by onnopaap, 16 years ago)


IDS/ADI "Part7-lite (P7L)" implementation

Mapping methodology and software tools

Subproject leader: Ian Glendinning (Intergraph) - timezone USA Central.


Conclusions / end products: (warning! work in progress)

The methodology by which any data set is characterized in terms of 15926: TemplateCharacterization
Templates considered to be the "starting set" of the WIP: TemplateStartingSet
Templates necessary to support minimum population of new WIP content: TemplateMinimumSubSet
Project documents:

All P7L documents


P7-lite ("part seven light") is about mapping methodology between legacy systems and facades.

The methodology is developed by the IDS project. It uses a wizard-like approach involving Gellish to come to a methodology that can be operated by power users (engineers).

FIATECH ADI will build software using this methodoly; an open source public domain Mapping Tool.

Level of implementation

Better than demo/proof of concept level, but not yet production grade scalable to big projects.

Level of compliancy

Highest level, but in gradual steps.

Example of a gellish template

To be able to understand the difference and similarity between part 7 (lite) and gellish there is agreed to set up use cases c.q. examples based upon generic object information models.

In the context of gellish an OIM can also be seen as a "template" . A template is a collection of gellish facts, representing the OIM.

The example as presented in the attaches files has as subject a "requirement" in the context of systems engineering. In principal, a requirement is represented by a string that capture the actual specification text (a separate template). the model allows to add a new textual specification without deleting the superseded specification text. A requirement is classified by a severity, type of requirement and subject. The requirement has as source a (design)activity and will be used in a activity. Further more a requirement is related to one or more elements in the project decomposition structure such as a system, component, process, function etc.

The OIM is as a entity relation diagram presented in a powerpoint sheet, and worked out in a so called "gellish table" (see the excel file).

In the gellish table there is one main template that uses a second template for capturing the textual specification of the requirement and the status of it (the actual and superseded as well). The template it self and a populated version is given. All used terms can be found in the RDL and are more or less derived from STEPlib because of the fact that part 4 doesn't know these terms yet (see the RDL worksheet).

this example is supported by documentation about gellish, derived from (search for "gellish") With in the excel file "relation set gellish.xls" you will find in the colomn "Gellish phrase" the until this moment defined available gellish relationships.

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