Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of ISO15926Primer_GettingStarted_Organization

02/26/10 06:21:11 (14 years ago)
gordonrachar (IP:



  • ISO15926Primer_GettingStarted_Organization

    v11 v12  
    2323== Join FIATECH or POSC/Caesar - Get Involved in a Project == 
    25 ISO 15926 is a different approach to exchanging information between applications.  In the past, when we've linked two applications, we've always tried to know as much as we can about the applications.  But with ISO 15926, linking applications by exploiting knowledge is a liability.  For most of us, this is something we have to un-learn. 
     25ISO 15926 is a different approach to exchanging information between applications.  In the past, when we've linked two applications, we've always tried to know as much as we can about the applications.  But with ISO 15926, linking applications by exploiting this special knowledge is actually a liability.  For most of us, this is something we have to un-learn. 
    2727Fortunately there are others that can hep you.  A good place to find them will be to join FIATECH or POSC/Caesar.  ISO 15926 is being developed right now.  The developers are accessible.  If you join, there will be people to assist you getting up to speed.  Along with getting help, you may end up helping others, too.  This is a good thing. 
    3535=== Make a Map of Your System Landscape === 
    37 You will need to know all the individual software applications your organization uses, where they get their input from, and where their output goes.  Show all of the information exchanges.  Your most important applications will probably already be mapped together either with custom programming or commercial middleware.  Other information exchanges might be made manually with manual keyin every time, or exchange files in a neutral format, or perhaps ad hoc software.  Show all of them, even if they seem to be working properly. 
     37You will need to know all the individual software applications your organization uses, where they get their input from, and where their output goes.  Show all of the information exchanges.  Your most important applications will probably already be mapped together either with custom programming or commercial middleware.  Other information exchanges might be made with manual keyin every time, exchange files in a neutral format, or perhaps ad hoc software.  Show all of them, even if they seem to be working properly. 
    3939=== Gather Application Information === 
    4343  * Document the schema - catalogue what's there. 
    4444  * Uncover any special requirements.  For instance, uncover any relationships that have to be maintained. 
    45   * Understand what all the data items ''mean''.  Look for implied attributes.  For instance, if an application was written for an organization that always used Imperial units of measurement, the original developer many not have thought to explicitly store Fahrenheit as the units of measurement. 
     45  * Understand what all the data items ''mean''.  Look for implied attributes.  For instance, if an application was written for an organization that always used Imperial units of measurement, the original developer many not have thought to explicitly store Fahrenheit as the units of temperature measurement. 
    4747You may not have to catalogue ''every'' data item in all of your applications but you do need to know everything about the information movements that you want to automate. 
    8181All of these questions lead to justification to implement ISO 15926.  Basically, you are counting the cost, in both financial and business efficiency terms, of the status quo.  You will likely end up with something in one of the following categories: 
    83  * Increase Reliability - For instance, if your current method of interoperability requires manually rekeying information between applications.  If you map your applications to ISO 15926-4 they will be able to exchange information automatically. 
     83 * Increase Reliability - For instance, if your current method of interoperability requires manually rekeying information between applications, you can map your applications to ISO 15926-4 so they will be able to exchange information automatically. 
    85  * Saving Money - For instance, if you have to repeatedly map one application to other applications.  If you use ISO 15926 you only have to map it once more. 
     85 * Saving Money - For instance, if you have to repeatedly map one application to other applications.  If you use ISO 15926 you only have to map it once (more). 
    8787 * Saving Time - For instance, if you repeatedly have to map applications to other, external, applications in a short period of time.  If you map to ISO 15926, the application will be ready to exchange information with any other ISO 15926-compliant application. 
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