WIP === Thoughts for Yellow Belt course in 15926 === = Part 1. Basic semantic structure of 15926 = '''Important theoretical background for understanding the basic semantic structure of 15926. Also, how this theory applies to 15926.''' Focus is on classes, not relationship or possible_individual * What a class is, where it is found in the 15926-2. (Diagram) * Subsumption -> specialization * Membership -> classification * Difference between inclusion and membership * Meta-classes * Relations * What is a relationship * What is a classofrelationship * Why we skip relationship in the rest of this course * Important classOfRelationships * classOfCompositionOfIndividual * classOfIndirectProperty * ... * Point to templates: * Complex structures leads to complex implementations (in 15926) * Show how the temperature range is implemented ([TemplateDescriptionCIPcSQQ ref]) = Part 2. Reference data, templates = '''Goal: Learn how to express basic statements in 15926 using templates''' Use pressure transmitter (again) as the example throughout the module. * Show the RDS, explain how you can find RD (search, click, browse) * ''Exercise:''Find the particular elements in a datasheet * What kind of item is this data sheet describing * What kind of properties does this data sheet contain * Can you find the appropriate classes for these elements * (Magne had good examples for exercises) * Show solution * Reiterate property range * Show template for property range * Modify the template example (e.g. find * Suggest a new shorthand template, (with entity types?) * Discuss shorthand template (This requires a very skilled lecturer ...)