| 1 | = IOHN Activity 6 RDL = |
| 2 | || Namespace || http://iohn.org/activity-6/model/ || |
| 3 | || Prefix || iohn6 || |
| 4 | |
| 5 | The ontology can be downloaded at http://iohn.org/ontologies/iohn6.owl |
| 6 | |
| 7 | The ontology can be queried at the endpoint at http://iohn.org/ep/iohn |
| 8 | |
| 9 | |
| 10 | {{{ |
| 11 | #!graphviz.dot |
| 12 | digraph p2_to_act_RD { |
| 13 | fontsize=7; |
| 14 | rankdir = "LR"; |
| 15 | |
| 16 | |
| 17 | node [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=6, style=filled]; |
| 18 | edge [fontsize=6, arrowhead=inv]; |
| 19 | { node [color="thistle"]; |
| 20 | dm [label="Part 2 (data model)"]; |
| 21 | p8 [label="Part 8 (OWL templates)"]; |
| 22 | p7tpl [label="Part 7 templates"]; |
| 23 | } |
| 24 | subgraph clusterPCA { |
| 25 | style=invis; |
| 26 | |
| 27 | |
| 28 | pcardl [label="PCA RDL", color="palegreen1"]; |
| 29 | } |
| 30 | subgraph clusterISO { |
| 31 | style=invis; |
| 32 | dm -> p8 ; |
| 33 | dm -> pcardl ; |
| 34 | p8 -> p7tpl ; |
| 35 | }; |
| 36 | subgraph clusterIOHNRD { |
| 37 | node [color=lightblue1]; |
| 38 | style=invis |
| 39 | IOHN [label="IOHN", URL="http://iohn.org/rdl"]; |
| 40 | IOHN6 [color="deepskyblue", label="IOHN-6", URL="http://iohn.org/activity-6/rdl"]; |
| 41 | } |
| 42 | subgraph IOHNtpl { node [color="lightblue1"]; |
| 43 | IOHN6tpl [label="IOHN-6 tpl", URL="http://iohn.org/activity-6/tpl"]; |
| 44 | } |
| 45 | subgraph hereButNotHere { node [color="lightblue3"]; |
| 46 | NPD [label="NPD", URL="http://irm.dnv.com/npd/rdl"]; |
| 47 | SnorreModel [Label="Snorre Model", URL="http://iohn.org/activity-6/model"] |
| 48 | } |
| 49 | IOHNtpl [color=lightgrey,label="IOHN common templates"]; |
| 50 | |
| 51 | pcardl -> IOHN ; |
| 52 | IOHN -> IOHN6 ; |
| 53 | IOHN6 -> IOHN6tpl ; |
| 54 | p7tpl -> IOHNtpl; |
| 55 | IOHN -> IOHNtpl; |
| 56 | IOHNtpl -> IOHN6tpl ; |
| 57 | |
| 58 | NPD -> SnorreModel ; |
| 59 | |
| 60 | IOHN6tpl -> SnorreModel ; |
| 61 | }; |
| 62 | |
| 63 | }}} |