Change Request Information

This page contains information about basic information about requirements to a Change Request (CR). Change Requests can be submitted as an owl file or according to a predefined excel spreadsheet. The data model that is the basis for the entity types and relationships that are used in the spreadsheets is available here:

It contains all the entity types defined in ISO 15926-2:2003 represented as owl:classes. The file is generated by translating the EXPRESS file lifecycle_integration_schema.exp which ISO 15926-2 (2003) annex B references, to an XML serialization of OWL.

Below is some information related to description of new class content:

Type of informationDescriptionRelated predicate
PCA IDFor new items this should be identical to the R-UUID in the defaultRdsId field.
defaultRdsIdUnique ID of the class according to the JORD ID spec. Can be filled out by Proposer or PCA.
RDL DesignationThe name of the object (class, relationship or individual). All new classes need a unique name. It is mandatory to provide a unique name for all RD objects submitted.
FragmentThe fragment corresponds to the designation in Camel Case and must also be unique. Exceptions – abbreviations in designation in capital letters and special characters. This column is optional and will created by the system if not provided.

E.g. a class with designation DESIGNATION IN CAMEL CASE would be designationInCamelCase in this field. The address for this resource would after processing become:
Standard URI encoding should be used for special characters (e.g. -, /,%,#,<,>, all parantheses). Examples:
Word word -> WordWord
word word -> WordWord
word a word -> WordAWord
word ISO word -> WordISOWord
word a b c word -> WordABCWord
iTunes -> Itunes
A4 A3 -> A4A3 4/3 -> 41%2F4
Entity TypeEvery class needs to have a entity type according to the data model. The column is defined by the ISO 15926-2 entity type from which the current RD object is instantiated. The file contains all the entity types defined in ISO 15926-2:2003 represented as owl:classes.
CreatorThe (editor) user who created the Reference Data object. Leave blank when importing new data, leave unchanged when updating or deleting data. Only for internal use.
Creation DateThe date and time that the Reference data object was first imported (or manually created). For internal use.
Registration Status
Alternative DesignationA new item can have one or several alternative designations. The alternative designation must also be unique.
RDL DefinitionDefinition of the class. Should be in the following form: This field is mandatory for new classes. The definition should follow the following structure: A X with/that is/which has ……..

Where X refers to the superclass (and not the entity type).

Some examples that follow this structure:

· CIRCULAR HOLLOW PROFILE - A hollow profile with two ends which has a constant circular hollow cross-section, except at the ends where it may have a special shape to support connection to other artefacts.

· ALKALINE PUMP - A pump that is used for pumping alkaline liquids.x’

· CHRISTMAS TREE - An artefact that is an assembly of pipes and piping parts, with valves and associated control equipment that is connected to the top of a wellhead and is intended for control of fluid from a well.
Submitting Organization The name of the company that has submitted the CR.
Submitter The name of an individual submitter.
labelThe Label should be identical to the designation.

To pass the automatic verification new content must:

  • have a Part 2 EntityType
  • have a superclass (to either an existing class in the PCA RDL or one of the newly proposed classes in the CR)
  • have a definition and designation for classes
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