

Template specifications

AScCC: Assembly of class

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: AScCC( x1:ClassOfIndividual, x2:ClassOfArrangedIndividual, x3:ExpressInteger, x4:ExpressInteger ) states that every instance of x2 has between x3 and x4 parts which are instances of x1.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 AScCC_Part ClassOfIndividual The role of the part in an class of assembly of individual. false
2 AScCC_Whole ClassOfArrangedIndividual The role of the whole in an class of assembly of individual. false
3 AScCC_MinCard ExpressInteger The minimum cardinality of the class of assembly of individual relationship. false
4 AScCC_MaxCard ExpressInteger The maximum cardinality of the class of assembly of individual relationship. false

ASi: Assembly of individual

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: ASi( x1:PossibleIndividual, x2:ArrangedIndividual ) states that x1 is a part of x2.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 ASi_Part PossibleIndividual The role of the part in an assembly of individual. false
2 ASi_Whole ArrangedIndividual The role of the whole in an assembly of individual. false

CIP: Classified assignment of indirect property

Template type: BaseTemplate
Definition: CIP( x1:PossibleIndividual, x2:Property, x3:ClassOfIndirectProperty ) states that x1 has an indirect property relationship of type x3 to the property x2.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 IP_PropertyBearer PossibleIndividual The property bearer (an individual) in an indirect property relationship. false
2 IP_Property Property The property in an indirect property relationship. false
3 CIP_PropertyRelation ClassOfIndirectProperty The type of the relationship in an indirect property relationship. false

CIPC: Classified assignment of classified indirect property

Template type: BaseTemplate
Definition: CIPC( x1:PossibleIndividual, x2:Property, x3:ClassOfIndirectProperty, x4:SinglePropertyDimension ) states that x1 has an indirect property relationship of type x3 to the property x2, and that x2 is a property of type x4.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 IP_PropertyBearer PossibleIndividual The property bearer (an individual) in an indirect property relationship. false
2 IP_Property Property The property in an indirect property relationship. false
3 CIP_PropertyRelation ClassOfIndirectProperty The type of the relationship in an indirect property relationship. false
4 IPC_PropertyType SinglePropertyDimension The type of the property in an indirect property relationship. false

CIPCSQ: Classified assignment of classified indirect property with unit of measure and value

Template type: BaseTemplate
Definition: CIPCSQ( x1:PossibleIndividual, x2:ClassOfIndirectProperty, x3:SinglePropertyDimension, x4:Scale, x5:ExpressReal ) states that x1 has an indirect property relationship of type x2 to a property of type x3, which relates via unit of measure x4 to a number represented by x5.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 IP_PropertyBearer PossibleIndividual The property bearer (an individual) in an indirect property relationship. false
2 CIP_PropertyRelation ClassOfIndirectProperty The type of the relationship in an indirect property relationship. false
3 IPC_PropertyType SinglePropertyDimension The type of the property in an indirect property relationship. false
4 PQC_Scale Scale The type of the property in an indirect property relationship. false
5 IDn_Identifier ExpressReal The identifier (the number representation) in an identification by real number. false

CIPc: Restriction of class to indirect property range

Template type: BaseTemplate
Definition: CIPc( x1:ClassOfIndividual, x2:ClassOfIndirectProperty, x3:PropertySpace ) states that any indirect property x2 of an x1 has magnitude in the property space (the range) x3.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 CIPc_PropertyRangeRestrictedClass ClassOfIndividual The class which is subject to a range restriction on an indirect property. false
2 CIP_PropertyRelation ClassOfIndirectProperty The type of the relationship in an indirect property relationship. false
3 CIPc_PropertyRange PropertySpace The value range of an indirect property to which a given class is restricted. false

CIPcSQQ: Assignment of indirect property range

Template type: BaseTemplate
Definition: CIPCcSQQ( x1:ClassOfPhysicalObject, x2:ClassOfIndirectProperty, x3:SinglePropertyDimension, x4:Scale, x5:ExpressReal, x6:ExpressReal ) states that for any x1, the magnitude of an x2 indirect property relationship to an x3 property is limited to the range [x5, x6] on the scale x4.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 CIPc_PropertyRangeRestrictedClass ClassOfIndividual The class which is subject to a range restriction on an indirect property. false
2 CIP_PropertyRelation ClassOfIndirectProperty The type of the relationship in an indirect property relationship. false
3 IPC_PropertyType SinglePropertyDimension The type of the property in an indirect property relationship. false
4 PQC_Scale Scale The type of the property in an indirect property relationship. false
5 CIPcSQQ_LowerReal ExpressReal The number representation of the lower bound in a CIPcSQQ property range. false
6 CIPcSQQ_UpperReal ExpressReal The number representation of the upper bound in a CIPcSQQ property range. false

CL: Classification

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: CL( x1:Thing, x2:Class ) states that x1 is a member of x2.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 CL_Instance Thing The role of classified instance in a classification. false
2 CL_Classifier Class The role of a classifying class in a classification. false

CLc: Classification of class of individual

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: CLc( x1:ClassOfIndividual, x2:ClassOfClass ) states that x1 is a member of x2.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 CLc_Instance ClassOfIndividual The classified class in a classification of a class. false
2 CLc_Classifier ClassOfClass The classifying class, e.g. class of class, in a classification of a class. false

CLcc: Classification of class of class

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: CLcc( x1:ClassOfClass, x2:Class ) states that x1 is a member of x2.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 CLcc_Instance ClassOfClass The classified class of class in a classification of a class of class. false
2 CLcc_Classifier Class The classifying class, e.g. class (as there is no class of class of class), in a classification of a class of class. false

CLi: Classification of individual

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: CLi( x1:PossibleIndividual, x2:ClassOfIndividual ) states that x1 is a member of x2.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 CLi_Instance PossibleIndividual The classified individual in a classification of an individual. false
2 CLi_Classifier ClassOfIndividual The classifying class in a classification of an individual. false

ID: Identification

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: ID( x1:Thing, x2:ClassOfInformationRepresentation ) states that x2 is an identifier for x1.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 ID_Identified Thing The identified thing in an identification. false
2 ID_Identifier ClassOfInformationRepresentation The identifier in an identification. false

IDC: Identification with Context

Template type: BaseTemplate
Definition: IDC( x1:Thing, x2:ClassOfInformationRepresentation, x3:ClassOfClassOfIdentification ) states that x2 is an identifier for x1, in context x3.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 ID_Identified Thing The identified thing in an identification. false
2 ID_Identifier ClassOfInformationRepresentation The identifier in an identification. false
3 IDC_Context ClassOfClassOfIdentification The context in an identification with context. false

IDn: Identification by Number

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: IDs( x1:Thing, x2:ExpressReal ) states that x2 is a (concrete representation of a) real number that identifies x1.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 ID_Identified Thing The identified thing in an identification. false
2 IDn_Identifier ExpressReal The identifier (the number representation) in an identification by real number. false

IDs: Identification by Symbol

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: IDs( x1:Thing, x2:ExpressBinary ) states that x2 is a binary (typically: a symbol stored in an image file) identifier for x1.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 ID_Identified Thing The identified thing in an identification. false
2 IDs_Identifier ExpressBinary The identifier (the binary object/the symbol) in an identification by binary object. false

IDsC: Identification by Symbol with Context

Template type: BaseTemplate
Definition: IDsC( x1:Thing, x2:ExpressBinary, x3:ClassOfClassOfIdentification ) states that x2 is a binary object (symbol) identifier for x1, in context x3.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 ID_Identified Thing The identified thing in an identification. false
2 IDs_Identifier ExpressBinary The identifier (the binary object/the symbol) in an identification by binary object. false
3 IDC_Context ClassOfClassOfIdentification The context in an identification with context. false

IDt: Identification by Text

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: IDt( x1:Thing, x2:ExpressString ) states that x2 is a string identifier for x1.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 ID_Identified Thing The identified thing in an identification. false
2 IDt_Identifier ExpressString The identifier (the string) in an identification by text string. false

IDtC: Identification by Text with Context

Template type: BaseTemplate
Definition: IDtC( x1:Thing, x2:ExpressString, x3:ClassOfClassOfIdentification ) states that x2 is a textual identifier for x1, in context x3.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 ID_Identified Thing The identified thing in an identification. false
2 IDt_Identifier ExpressString The identifier (the string) in an identification by text string. false
3 IDC_Context ClassOfClassOfIdentification The context in an identification with context. false

IP: Assignment of indirect property

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: IP( x1:PossibleIndividual, x2:Property ) states that x2 is an indirect property of x1.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 IP_PropertyBearer PossibleIndividual The property bearer (an individual) in an indirect property relationship. false
2 IP_Property Property The property in an indirect property relationship. false

IPC: Assignment of classified indirect property

Template type: BaseTemplate
Definition: IPC( x1:PossibleIndividual, x2:Property, x3:SinglePropertyDimension ) states that x1 has an indirect property relation to the property x2, and that x2 is a property of type x3.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 IP_PropertyBearer PossibleIndividual The property bearer (an individual) in an indirect property relationship. false
2 IP_Property Property The property in an indirect property relationship. false
3 IPC_PropertyType SinglePropertyDimension The type of the property in an indirect property relationship. false

PQ: Property quantification

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: PQ( x1:Thing, x2:Property ) states that x2 is a numerical quantification of property x1 (disregarding any scale).


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 PQ_Property Property The property (the property that is quantified) in a property quantification. false
2 PQ_Number ArithmeticNumber The number (the quantifying number) in a property quantification. false

PQC: Property quantification with scale

Template type: BaseTemplate
Definition: PQC( x1:Property, x2:ArithmeticNumber, x3:Scale ) states that x2 is a numerical quantification, on scale x3, of property x1.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 PQ_Property Property The property (the property that is quantified) in a property quantification. false
2 PQ_Number ArithmeticNumber The number (the quantifying number) in a property quantification. false
3 PQC_Scale Scale The type of the property in an indirect property relationship. false

SP: Specialization

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: SP( x1:Class, x2:Class ) states that x1 is a subclass of x2.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 SP_Subclass Class The subclass in a specialization. false
2 SP_Superclass Class The superclass in a specialization. false

SPcc: Specialization of class of class

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: SPcc( x1:ClassOfClass, x2:ClassOfClass ) states that x1 is a subclass of x2.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 SPcc_Subclass ClassOfClass The subclass in a specialization of class of class. false
2 SPcc_Superclass ClassOfClass The superclass in a specialization of class of class. false

SPccc: Specialization of class of class of class

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: SPccc( x1:Class, x2:Class ) states that x1 is a subclass of x2.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 SPccc_Subclass Class The subclass in a specialization of class of class of class. false
2 SPccc_Superclass Class The superclass in a specialization of class of class of class. false

SPi: Specialization of class of individual

Template type: AtomicBaseTemplate
Definition: SP( x1:ClassOfIndividual, x2:ClassOfIndividual ) states that x1 is a subclass of x2.


Position Designation Type Definition Optional
1 SPi_Subclass ClassOfIndividual The subclass in a specialization of class of individual. false
2 SPi_Superclass ClassOfIndividual The superclass in a specialization of class of individual. false